
Sunday, 5 July 2015

Reversing horror


Nice day in the country my friend and I thought. Visit a mini bronze age henge and feel the peace. Which we did. There's going to be a but...can you sense it. To keep the mood going we thought we would visit a second one. Strewth. Half way up a very very steep tiny country lane it bent to the sharpest left turn I have ever faced. The car decided nope cannot manage that and came to a sulky stall. We rolled back. The handbrake decided nope cannot do that and let us roll. Now I can drive safely forward but get me reversing and it can go a little bit wrong. Ask the dry stone wall that the car's bumper kissed on the toilet stop.
We kept rolling and I kept steering...into bushes and more dry stone walls. In my defence the lane was about the width of my car, which is tiny. Rolling back we aimed for a little parking area we had spotted. I had to keep getting out of the hedges by roaring forward a little making the noise a rally car does. All the time praying that we did not meet another car going in either direction as it was a series of sharp bends.
What a relief it was to turn and go back to forwards driving.  Not going there again.

Take care x


  1. Oh Lord! Glad you made it home ok x

  2. Did ALL your brake systems fail?

    1. The exact same question I was asked at work. No. But I could not get around the bend so we rolled backwards but in control with the regular brake - didn't make that clear. I had some control but being a townie I was bricking it

  3. Oh my goodness! Hope there is not too much damage.

    1. A few scratches that blend in with the old ones x

  4. I have just changed my car to a bigger one, I'm dreading the day I have to reverse it along a narrow Cornish lane. You have my sympathy!!

    1. I am too short to get a bigger car I can just handle my little one. I dread going to keep to similar measurements just for safety's sake ha x

  5. Oh my that sounds scary. How's the car? no too much damage I hope.

    1. It certainly got my heart pounding. She's ok thanks just a few more scratches x

  6. I'm glad you got out of that mess, but I'm sorry to say I was laughing at your description of 'roaring forward ' to get out of the hedges! Living in Cornwall I'm well used to narrow lanes but I'm shocked at the number of people, even locals, who can't reverse and I have to go back a long way to let them pass - then find there was a passing place just a few feet behind the original confrontation., Grrr . . But I'll forgive you because you made me laugh at your description! I love your blog and am now a 'Follower' . . . why does that sound like something undesirable? Lol, lol.

    1. Hello Rambler and thanks very much. Excuse it my posts tail off - they do occasionally.
      I would be that person that cannot reverse although am always willing to let someone reverse for it sometimes the case at work.
      You are very welcome

  7. Rolling backwards is not much fun. I have done it myself. But always felt in control. Poor you.

  8. I have been known to slam my brakes on because I am rolling backwards, only to realise that the car at the side of me is actually moving forward! Doh!
