
Thursday, 30 April 2015

Happy May Day


Thank you for the comments on my previous post. After saying how I enjoy the comments and replying to them I never went back. So sorry. I definitely read them.

I was thinking about why I don't post as often as I did. There is a time issue I guess and energy problems at the moment, due to the ear infection - I think. Mainly I think it is due to not having a clear idea of what the blog is about. I'm not giving it up or anything as I love being part of it and feel I have a whole new group of friends because of blogging.
Last year felt clearer, I was discovering frugal living and growing my own veg. Although I am still doing both this year.  Blogging also gave me communication with others after being alone a lot. I also thought I would use it to look back a bit at the home educating and caring I did. But I have now found I'm not so good at looking back and am enjoying moving forward.
I think maybe I shall rattle on for a while and see what happens. It will maybe be like the scrapbook I used to keep as a kid. Full of bits and pieces (but not as much Star Wars stuff I promise).  Or the diary I never managed to keep for more than a couple of days. Things can be so mundane here and yet maybe I will enjoy reading it back one day.

Mundane happenings are:
AS levels approaching
Courgettes seedlings are springing up
My ear keeps hurting.

I still find it magic to watch the seeds turn to shoots. Courgettes are such sturdy little buggers whereas the tomatoes are so fragile. I'm trying yellow courgettes as they look so tasty. I also thought I would plant a few flowers as well to encourage the insects in. Echinacea, Sunflowers, Poppies and Calendula for the companion planting. I will try for some chillies this year even though I don't have a greenhouse. Asda was selling off some potatoes so have them propped on a window ledge in an egg box as per instruction from my gardening bible. It will all be in pots again as the clay ground is a nightmare for digging and also the football would probably squash everything.

My ear hurts a bit and the nasal spray has given me cold symptoms but the hearing is maybe a little bit better. Will keep going for now and maybe look into some natural alternatives. It's not wax or anything like that and because it is behind the eardrum drops will not hurt. It is all middle ear and due to the Eustachian tube.

Elections and Exams are what May brings for us.

Take care


  1. I blog about what ever I am doing or what takes my interest or fancy. I am so glad that my earache was just compacted wax and is now gone. I have been in the garden more than the house for ages now but it is all beginning to level out, so no more excuses for cobwebs and dust.

    1. It is nice to read about people's days and I love your craft stuff as I have no idea or talent for it but it makes me thinks I just might be able to give it a go x

  2. You keep blogging and we'll keep reading!
    hope that ear problem goes away soon

    1. Thanks Sue that means a lot as I love reading your blog x

  3. I feel a bit the same with my blog. It's going nowhere at the moment and I also don't want to give it up yet. I don't have time to grow anything this year with all the gala stuff going on but next year will be a different story.
    Hope your ear feels much better soon.

    1. Isn't it weird you think that when I love reading your posts. I hope you don't give up as it's like a friend leaving a group x

  4. I'm with you and Carol! I feel like nobody would want to read my rambles and think what utter rubbish if I post!! But having said that, I love reading what others get up to and feel like scolding you for saying such things when I love reading your posts - whatever you post about!!

    1. What a lovely thing to say especially when your posts make me laugh so much x

  5. I feel the same sometimes rambling on about something and nothing, but when you take the time to sit and reflect that is what life is all about, so keep it up. Hope your ear clears up soon.

  6. That's very true and enough of us seem to like reading about people's lives. The bigger the range the more I seem to learn x

  7. I have only just posted after a couple of weeks. I don't want to put everything that happens in my life on my blog but also sometimes we have periods of no drama and not a lot going on so I feel there's nothing interesting to post about. We too have AS exams here. Eden's first one is on Saturday, fingers crossed, lucky pants on and all that!
