
Monday, 25 August 2014

Funny Irishman

Watching Dave Allen tonight takes me back.  Laughing at nuns and priests, so daring. He still makes me laugh. The lovely Irish brogue, so familiar.
I went to a convent school but I stopped going to church in my early teens. Was not something to brag about so used to keep quiet if we were quizzed on the Monday what the Gospel readings had been. When we did go I found it amusing that the priests would be round the front of the church after mass, fags lit having a laugh and a joke with all of us traipsing out. I did love choir though and miss the hymns and carols. Don't miss the parables though; could not make head nor tail of them. My poor mum never forgave the church for not letting her take communion once she divorced only when he died could she take it again as she was a widow in their eyes. But she had long since stopped attending mass by then. One story she told was how in a works canteen every Friday they produced a gorgeous roast dinner however she had to have the fish dinner. Catholics weren't allowed meat on Fridays. She followed it faithfully even though she longed for that roast dinner and was probably to poor to have one at home. I believe that rule has been lifted now.
Best thing a nun ever did for me was introduce me to Gerald Durrell books. Although that could just have been the curriculum, if that existed then. If not that means I don't need to be grateful to a nun for anything at all. That's good.

The priest didn't even turn up to issue last rites  for me mum. I think a nun turned up and prayed although was a bit worried what she might say as the dementia had made her blurt things out. The chaplain from the home where she had respite turned up and they prayed together. Would have liked her to have received the last sacrament though. She would have had a full set then. Bloody church let her down loads. Priest didn't even do the funeral mass as she had the audacity to die at Easter. The nice chaplain man did a lovely reading. A good man. Stupid barriers of religion.

'May your God go with you' cheers Dave.


  1. I saw a bit of Dave Allen but with a house full of visitors I mainly listened to the others laughing. We always watched his shows on the telly at home, my Dad was a big fan. His humour was gentle and funny, he did not rely on foul language or throwing himself about the stage.

  2. I'm not a religious person but I know it's an important way of life to some. Sounds to me like your mum although devout was treated harshly by the church. What a shame. Isn't it supposed to stand for forgiveness and compassion? It seems to me that as many terrible things are done in the name of a religion as good things.In a funny way I think Dave Allen portrayed that with his observational humour.

    Jean x

  3. Dave Allen.... Brings back memories of my childhood. I wish I'd lknown he was on, I would have loved to see him

  4. I love Dave Allen, I would laugh knowing what was coming and by the time he got round to the punch line I would be crying. Amazing fella.

    I'm not religious so couldn't comment on the religion stuff but I know it's what wars are made of.

    Thanks for the Dave reminder, it's made me smile x

  5. I enjoyed him too
    My parents loved him and as I child I thought he was clever even though I didn't understand his humour
